In every sphere of business there are occasions where services provided by a supplier fall short of the standard required.  Residential valuation surveying is no exception to this, and instances do occur where surveyors are guilty of professional negligence.  In the first instance the aggrieved party is recommended to make a formal complaint with the surveying company concerned and to follow the mechanism set out in their complaints handling procedure.

In some circumstances a client will not achieve what they see as a fair outcome from the lodgement of a formal complaint.  In other circumstances the size of a potential claim may be sufficiently large as to exceed the upper limit for more routine minor dispute resolution.  In these circumstances it may be necessary to take legal action.

Where a dispute requires litigation, it is normal practice to instruct an Expert Witness to provide a formal report for submission to the Court in support of the action.  DHKK has significant experience in this area and in the preparation of Expert Witness reports.  The Firm has professional staff that have formally qualified as Certified Expert Witnesses under the RICS Expert Witness training programme.  We would be delighted to discuss how we may be of assistance with any potential case.