Residential Survey

The Valuation Team

DHKK's valuation surveyors are fully-qualified (MRICS or FRICS) and are accredited members of the RICS Valuer Registration Scheme.  They have a wealth of local knowledge that permits them to value with accuracy.  The reports that they produce are fully independent and without influence.  The firm's excellent claims history is testament to their professionalism and the high level of service delivered.

Home Reports

Where a residential property is to be sold in Scotland it is a legal requirement that a Home Report be produced and made available to prospective purchasers.  The valuation of residential property and preparation of Home Reports is a core function of DHKK.  The firm's reports are accepted by all mainstream mortgage lender panels and this should give peace of mind that buyers will be ensured a straightforward purchase experience.

Scheme 1 and Mortgage Valuation Reports

The firm offers a basic inspection and valuation service to provide confirmation of Market Value and suitability of a property for mortgage lending.  Generally mortgage valuation reports are directly instructed by a lender in order to avoid conflicts of interest.  DHKK Home Reports also contain a generic mortgage valuation report section that can be used by lenders on behalf of purchasers.  DHKK holds lender panel appointments for all mainstream mortgage providers.

Scheme 2 and Homebuyer Reports

The firm also offers a higher level of inspection and reporting service for purchasers known as a Homebuyer Report.  This form of instruction involves a detailed inspection of the property and comprehensive reporting.  This service is commonly provided in connection with more complex and, frequently, older properties, where the buyer requires greater certainty and detail than that offered by the basic seller’s Home Report.

Tax Valuation

Ownership of property can trigger liability for various property-related taxes.  The firm's expertise in the valuation of residential property is frequently called upon in relation to Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax assessments.  Many clients in these areas are routinely involved in probate or executory work, while others deal with family law and the inevitable requirement for divorce or trust valuations.  DHKK is ideally placed to provide a competent valuation and reporting service to meet these needs.

Pre-sale Advice

A competent understanding of the local property market is an essential part in the effective marketing of a property for sale.  On a routine basis DHKK gives advice to estate agents and private clients alike on Market Value, marketing strategy and asking price.  It will be delighted to discuss your particular requirements.

Schedules of Condition and Condition Reports

In certain instances reliance on a Home Report may not be considered sufficient by property buyers.  DHKK is a practice that prides itself on its comprehensive understanding of construction and of building defects.  It is always delighted to provide detailed private reports on building condition and defects.

Where clients are entering into a lease agreement it also routinely produces Schedules of Condition that are backed up by detailed floor plans and photographic catalogues.  These schedules are accepted by the parties to the lease at the outset and protect their respective positions at lease expiry.